September, Friday 20, 2024

Venezuela moves closer to holding legitimate elections


The Venezuelan government and opposition have signed an agreement that sets the stage for presidential elections. The deal was made in Barbados and includes allowing international observers to monitor the election, which is scheduled for the second half of 2024. While the agreement is seen as a breakthrough after a long stalemate, it does not address some key issues raised by the opposition, such as the release of political prisoners and the lifting of the ban on opposition candidates. The US, EU, Canada, and UK have welcomed the agreement as a necessary step towards restoring democracy in Venezuela but are calling for further actions including the release of unjustly detained individuals and the independence of electoral and judicial institutions. The agreement includes promises to give candidates access to media and ensure their free movement throughout the country. The voter registries will also be updated to include Venezuelans abroad. However, there is already disagreement over the eligibility of candidates, with the opposition claiming it may allow previously barred candidates to regain their rights while the government delegation denies this. The issue is contentious, as several prominent opposition figures have been banned from running by the comptroller-general, who is allied with President Maduro. The primary to choose a unified opposition candidate for the 2024 election is set to take place, with Maria Corina Machado seen as the favorite despite the ban on her candidacy. The government has not officially announced its candidate, but President Maduro is expected to run for another term. The Venezuelan government hopes that the agreement will lead to the easing of US sanctions, which have severely impacted the country's economy and forced millions of Venezuelans to emigrate, many to the United States. A reduction in US sanctions would benefit both countries economically as Venezuela possesses the world's largest proven oil reserves.