September, Friday 20, 2024

Exploring Alternative Methods to Rescue Trapped Indian Workers in Uttarakhand Tunnel Collapse


Rescuers in India are exploring different options to save 41 workers who have been trapped in a tunnel for the past eight days. Initial attempts to push metal pipes through the debris wall were halted and rescue teams had to withdraw after a cracking sound was heard from the tunnel. Officials have now decided to drill two parallel tunnels as a potential "escape route" to reach the trapped workers. The incident occurred on November 12 in Uttarakhand state, where part of the tunnel collapsed due to a landslide. The workers have been in contact with rescue teams and have been provided with oxygen, food, and water. The latest rescue effort involves working on two side tunnels adjacent to the main tunnel. The rescue operation, which Prime Minister Narendra Modi has assured the families is being executed seamlessly between federal and state rescuers, could continue for a few more days due to the challenging Himalayan terrain. The Silkyara tunnel is part of a government project to improve transportation links to popular pilgrimage sites in Uttarakhand.