September, Friday 20, 2024

Rescue Teams Innovate to Reach Indians Trapped in Uttarakhand Tunnel Collapse


Indian authorities are facing challenges in rescuing 41 workers trapped inside a tunnel in Uttarakhand state. The initial rescue plan involved drilling a horizontal hole for the workers to crawl through, but it was halted when the drilling machine broke down. The workers have been stuck for two weeks after a landslide caused a part of the tunnel to collapse. The operation has been difficult due to falling boulders, loose soil, and metal debris inside the tunnel. Rescuers have now started digging vertically to create an alternative route for the trapped workers. They are also exploring other techniques, including manual digging, to expedite the rescue. The plan is to reach the workers from the top of the hill in Silkyara of Uttarakashi district. So far, authorities have dug 31m into the tunnel. If all goes smoothly, the workers will be pulled out in buckets through the vertical hole. However, bad weather in the Himalayan region could complicate the process. Authorities had previously attempted to create a micro-tunnel by sending multiple pipes through the debris wall, but they are now planning to drill an alternate route perpendicular to the main drilling site. The status of the operation has not been commented on by officials.