September, Friday 20, 2024

Survivors of Uttarakhand tunnel collapse share their experiences of walks, yoga, and mobile games


A group of 41 Indian workers who were trapped in a tunnel in Uttarakhand state for 17 days have been rescued and are currently recovering in hospital. Videos released to the media show the workers eating on their hospital beds and appearing to be in good spirits. The workers were trapped in the tunnel on 12 November after a landslide caused a portion of it to collapse. After a challenging rescue operation, the workers were finally freed on Tuesday evening. They were brought out on stretchers through a pipe that had been inserted through a wall of debris. Family members and colleagues celebrated their safe rescue, embracing them and offering them garlands and sweets. The workers have spoken about their experiences, expressing their relief at being rescued and sharing how they passed the time inside the tunnel. The collapse of the tunnel, which is part of the government's Char Dham project, has raised concerns about the impact of rapid construction in the region.