September, Friday 20, 2024

Families left in distressing limbo as Uttarakhand tunnel collapse rescue operations are delayed


Chaudhary, a father from Uttar Pradesh, traveled almost 600km to be closer to his son, who was trapped in a collapsed tunnel along with 40 other construction workers. He has been staying at the site for the past 11 days, sleeping in the laborers' barracks and praying for his son's safe rescue. Chaudhary had previously lost another son in a construction accident in Mumbai, and he cannot bear the thought of losing another child. The collapse occurred due to a landslide near Silkyara, a remote village in the foothills of the Himalayas. Rescue efforts have been delayed due to a malfunctioning drilling machine. Chaudhary is one of several family members who have traveled to the site to be close to their trapped loved ones. Another man named Chanchal Singh Bisht, whose cousin is also stuck in the tunnel, was nervous when he first arrived but felt relieved after speaking with his cousin through a walkie-talkie. For some families, being able to communicate with their loved ones inside the tunnel is a lifeline. However, the latest setback occurred when the drilling machine broke down completely and cannot be repaired, halting the rescue efforts. Authorities are now planning on manually removing the debris, which will take more time. The family members and the authorities are eagerly waiting for the men to be rescued, hoping for a safe return.