September, Friday 20, 2024

Son in the US accused of shooting and decapitating father prior to posting political rant on YouTube.


Prosecutors have shared disturbing new information about the gruesome beheading of a man by his own son in a suburban Philadelphia home. Justin Mohn, a 32-year-old man, allegedly shot his father, who was a federal worker, before using a knife and machete to decapitate him. After committing the horrendous act, he posted a lengthy video on YouTube, promoting the torture and killing of US government employees. The video remained on the platform for several hours before being taken down. According to Bucks County District Attorney Jennifer Schorn, Mohn had a clear plan when he murdered his father and then drove to a National Guard training center in an attempt to incite a rebellion. Ms. Schorn expressed that Mohn was acting with a clear mind, fully aware of his actions and even proud of the consequences. In the video, Mohn not only advocated for violence against federal officials but also revealed personal anger towards various groups such as immigrants, the LGBTQ community, and far-left activists. After discovering her husband's headless body in the bathroom, the victim's wife found his severed head wrapped in a plastic bag inside a cooking pot in a nearby bedroom. Following the attack, Mohn was arrested with a loaded handgun at a National Guard base, where he had attempted to encourage rebellion against the US federal government. He had purchased the firearm legally the day before the killing. Mohn has been charged with murder, abuse of a corpse, and possession of a weapon.