September, Friday 20, 2024

Donald Trump urges for increased tariffs on China by the United States


Donald Trump, the former US president and current front runner for the Republican Party, has stated that if he wins the US presidential election in November, he would impose even more tariffs on Chinese goods. In an interview with Fox News, Trump mentioned that these tariffs could exceed 60%. He believes it is necessary and justified to take action against China due to what he sees as unfair trading practices and intellectual property theft. During his presidency, Trump initiated a trade war with China by imposing tariffs on a significant amount of Chinese goods, totaling hundreds of billions of dollars. This policy began in 2018 and expanded to include a wide range of products, from seafood to chemicals. In response, Beijing retaliated by implementing levies on US imports such as soybeans, wheat, and poultry. While Trump has claimed that he does not intend to harm China and desires a positive relationship with the country, he believes it is crucial to address the imbalances in trade and protect American interests. The tariffs imposed by Trump have remained largely intact under the current administration of President Joe Biden. Some critics argue that these tariffs have contributed to increasing prices and reduced the competitiveness of the US. However, there is growing support among lawmakers from both sides of the political spectrum to restrict economic ties with China. A recent House committee report recommended imposing higher tariffs on Chinese imports and implementing limitations on Chinese investments in the US.