September, Friday 20, 2024

Putin Expresses Preference for Joe Biden over Donald Trump in US Election 2024


According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, he would prefer Joe Biden to win the upcoming US presidential election rather than Donald Trump. Putin stated that Biden is a more experienced and predictable individual, which is likely to raise eyebrows. This is a stark contrast to Putin's praise for Trump during his first presidential campaign in 2016, when he described Trump as "outstanding and talented." In the past, Biden has been a strong critic of Putin, even referring to him as a "killer" before the invasion of Ukraine. Putin also expressed disappointment with his recent interview with US journalist Tucker Carlson, claiming that the questions were not sharp enough. In a televised interview, Putin explained that he believes Biden's leadership would be better for Russia due to his experience and predictability. He dismissed concerns about Biden's age and mental health, stating that he didn't notice anything unusual when they last met in 2021. However, Putin did criticize Biden's condemnation of the war in Ukraine as "extremely harmful and erroneous." Despite his preference for Biden, Putin clarified that Russia will work with any US president who gains the trust of the American public. It is worth noting that in the past, Trump had expressed a desire for a good relationship with Putin, including suggesting that they would "get along very well." Trump also attracted controversy recently when he stated that he would "encourage" Russia to attack any NATO member that fails to meet their financial contribution target. In response, NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg urged Trump not to undermine the alliance's collective security guarantee.