September, Friday 20, 2024

United States and United Kingdom conduct military operations against Houthi rebels in Yemen


Naval forces from the US and UK have carried out airstrikes against Houthi rebel targets in Yemen's Red Sea. The operation involved the use of Tomahawk cruise missiles launched from warships and fighter jets. Over 12 sites, including the capital city Sanaa and the Houthi stronghold of Hudaydah, were targeted in response to the rebel group's repeated attacks on commercial vessels in the Red Sea. The Houthis, who have ties to Hamas, claim that they are targeting ships linked to Israel in response to the Israeli campaign in the Gaza Strip. They have also launched drones and missiles towards Israel. The airstrikes, which took place early on Friday, hit logistical hubs, air defense systems, and arms depots, according to US officials. The US President, Joe Biden, stated that the strikes send a clear message that attacks on personnel and the freedom of navigation will not be tolerated. He also warned that further military action could be taken if necessary. The UK also participated in the operation, with four RAF Typhoon jets conducting airstrikes in Yemen using Paveway bombs. The Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, described the action as necessary and proportionate self-defense against the "reckless actions" of the Houthi militia. The Houthi rebel attacks on merchant vessels in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden have been escalating, posing a risk to lives, threatening the global economy, and destabilizing the region. Shipping companies have halted operations in the area, and insurance costs have risen significantly. The International Chamber of Shipping estimates that 20% of the world's container ships are now avoiding the Red Sea and opting for a longer route around Africa.