September, Friday 20, 2024

Possible Scenarios for the Course of Ukraine's Conflict in 2024


The conflict in Ukraine has been ongoing for almost three years, with little movement on the front lines. President Volodomyr Zelensky has admitted that Ukraine's spring offensive has not been successful, as Russia still controls about 18% of the country. Three military analysts were asked about their predictions for the coming year. Barbara Zanchetta from King's College London believes that the prospects for an end to the war remain bleak. Vladimir Putin is politically stronger compared to last year, and the situation on the battleground remains uncertain. The outcome of the conflict depends on political decisions made in Washington and Brussels. The unity displayed by the West in 2022 and 2023 is starting to falter, as the US defence aid package is being held hostage by petty politics in Washington, and the future of the EU's economic aid is dependent on Hungary's stance. Hesitation from the West has emboldened Putin, who is determined to continue his involvement in the conflict. The EU's decision to open membership talks with Ukraine and Moldova is significant, as it implies continued support for Kyiv. However, a complete reversal of policy in Washington is unlikely, despite the recent cracks in the Western camp. Michael Clarke, a former director general of the Royal United Services Institute, points out that the conflict in Ukraine signifies the return of industrial-age warfare to Europe. Russia's defence budget has tripled since 2021, and this will make the war more traumatic and prolonged. The coming year will determine whether Russia or Ukraine, along with their respective backers, can meet the demands of industrial-age warfare. Ben Hodges, a former commanding general of the United States Army Europe, believes that Russia lacks the capability to overrun Ukraine decisively. Russia will try to hold on to its currently occupied territories and strengthen its defences, while hoping for a decrease in Western support for Ukraine. However, Ukraine will continue to fight for its survival and will likely receive increased aid from European nations. Hodges anticipates that the US will pass the delayed aid package for Ukraine in early 2024. Ukraine is also preparing to regain the initiative by using US-made F16 fighter jets and putting pressure on Russian-occupied Crimea. While both sides have limited resources, the Ukrainian military has proven to be effective in forcing the Russian navy to withdraw from certain areas. Overall, the military course of the war in 2024 will be determined by political decisions in key capitals, including Moscow, Kyiv, Washington, Brussels, Beijing, Tehran, and Pyongyang. The conflict is likely to continue throughout the year, but a negotiated settlement remains the foreseeable outcome, as both sides continue to refuse complete victory.