September, Friday 20, 2024

Slovakia's Robert Fico Aims for a Political Comeback in Saturday's Election amidst Ukraine Conflict


Slovakia is holding early elections this weekend after the collapse of the previous centre-right government. The populist SMER party, led by Robert Fico, is leading in polls and has promised to end Slovak military support for Ukraine. This has raised concerns in Western capitals about potential cracks in NATO and EU unity. However, some argue that Fico's threat is a diversion, as Slovakia has already provided significant military aid to Ukraine and there is not much more left to give. Commercial contracts for heavy weapons remain, but a Fico government is unlikely to jeopardize them as they provide jobs and revenue for the country. Fico's party did not respond to requests for an interview, but party MP Lubos Blaha has previously made statements that align with Moscow's stance on the conflict in Ukraine. Progressive Slovakia, a liberal and pro-Western party, is running neck-and-neck with SMER and pledges to maintain military aid to Ukraine. The party offers a vision of an open and tolerant society, while SMER campaigns on stability, order, and social security. Forming a coalition government may be challenging, as polls suggest there could be as many as 10 parties in the new parliament. Overall, Slovakia's position as a bridge between East and West has been questioned, with concerns about Russia's influence growing among the population.