September, Thursday 19, 2024

Zelensky warns UN about Russia's untrustworthy nature in the Ukraine conflict


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has addressed the UN General Assembly, calling for global unity to end Russian aggression against his country. In a passionate speech in New York, Zelensky warned that a nuclear-armed Moscow must be stopped from pushing the world towards a devastating war. He accused Russia of weaponizing various aspects, including food and energy. The full-scale invasion by Russia has received widespread condemnation. Zelensky emphasized the need to confront the danger posed by Russia before addressing other challenges like climate change. He argued that Ukraine is determined to ensure that no nation is ever attacked again after Russian aggression. Zelensky firmly stated that Russia had no right to possess nuclear weapons, and called for restraint in weaponization, punishment for war crimes, and the return of deported people and occupiers to their own land. He received applause from fellow delegates after his speech. While Moscow has repeatedly denied Ukraine's accusations, international experts and organizations have provided increasing evidence of Russian war crimes in Ukraine. Earlier, Zelensky showed support for US President Joe Biden's speech, which warned of severe consequences if Russia's aggression continued. The US and its Western allies have been strong supporters of Ukraine during the ongoing Russian invasion, which is the largest conflict in Europe since World War Two. However, some countries from the "Global South" have been cautious in their position and have not openly condemned Moscow's actions, instead strengthening economic ties with Russia. During his visit to the US, Zelensky is expected to seek more aid and weapons to support Ukraine's counter-offensive. Russian President Vladimir Putin did not attend this year's General Assembly.