September, Friday 20, 2024

Russia Turns to Prisons for Sustaining its War Efforts in Ukraine


The Russian defense ministry is reportedly recruiting prisoners to fight in Ukraine, taking over the practice from the Wagner mercenary group. These army units, known as Storm-Z, are part of Vladimir Putin's "special military operation" against Ukraine. Storm-Z units are treated as expendable forces without consideration for their safety. There are indications that members of other army units can be sent to Storm-Z as punishment for violations. Last year, Wagner recruited prisoners after suffering heavy casualties in Ukraine. However, the group has since disappeared from the battlefield. Russian news website RTVI claims that prisoners now sign contracts with the defense ministry and can go home or continue serving after completing their term. One former prisoner said they were promised high salaries and compensation for injury or death, but were sent to battle without proper equipment or information. The Russian military has not officially confirmed or denied recruiting convicts, but there are multiple instances suggesting their involvement in Storm-Z units. The defense ministry refers to "storm units" as breaking through complex Ukrainian defenses. However, they are often deployed without regard for survival rates. Members of other army units may also be sent to Storm-Z as punishment. Some Storm-Z soldiers have attempted desertion due to mistreatment from their commanders. The UK Ministry of Defense suggests that Storm-Z units were originally meant to be elite organizations but have now become penal battalions comprised of convicts and disciplined troops.