September, Friday 20, 2024

Marines Establish Riverbank Position in Ukraine War, Minimal Progress on Front Lines


Ukrainian forces have reportedly gained control of several positions on the Russian-occupied eastern bank of the Dnipro river. Their aim is to push the Russians back in order to protect civilians who are constantly being shelled on the opposite side of the river. President Volodymyr Zelensky expressed his gratitude for their progress on social media. Despite being outnumbered and surrounded, the Ukrainian forces have managed to hold their ground for almost a month. However, they lack the numbers needed to liberate the large areas of territory they desire. The situation is described as a stalemate by General Valery Zaluzhny, but President Zelensky remains optimistic about Ukraine's chances of victory. The ongoing conflict has led to political fatigue among some of Ukraine's Western allies. The southern Kherson region has seen significant progress, as it was initially seen as an unlikely location for Ukraine's counter-offensive. The presence of the Dnipro river, which acts as a natural defensive line, separates the occupied regions from the rest of Ukraine. The Ukrainian forces have advanced 4km and are positioning their advances as the beginning of something larger. While fatigue is a major challenge for the troops, they remain motivated by their families and the financial support they receive. However, there are still not enough troops on the ground to achieve Kyiv's goals. In the southeast, Ukrainian forces have made limited progress in retaking territory. The soldier with the mortar crew in the Zaporizhzhia region explains that fatigue is the main obstacle to their motivation. The soldier fighting in the area with the strongest Russian defenses believes that next year will be challenging but decisive. Avdiivka is a strategic city that reflects the state of the war, as it has been the focus of Russian attacks since being briefly occupied in 2014. The heavy fortifications built by Ukraine have helped repel the attacks, and Russian casualties are estimated to be high. Kupiansk, a city in the north-east, has also seen significant fighting due to its strategic value as a railway hub. The quality of Russian defenses and the use of mines pose additional challenges for Ukrainian troops. Soldier Denys emphasizes the need for modern technologies like drones and believes that NATO should learn from this modern war. The soldier also highlights the horrifying human cost, with commanders sacrificing anyone, including non-combat personnel, leading to significant casualties. The soldiers on the front lines are experiencing a war of attrition that favors Russia due to its resources. The conflict in Israel and Hamas also complicates Ukraine's fight, as it diverts attention and aid from Western countries.