September, Friday 20, 2024

Authorities confirm that Kyiv is targeted by an airstrike after a 52-day break in the ongoing Ukraine conflict.


Ukraine's capital city, Kyiv, has experienced its first Russian air attack in 52 days, according to local officials. Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko reported via the Telegram messaging app that there were strong explosions in the early hours of Saturday morning. Preliminary information suggests that the air defense systems successfully intercepted the missiles. As a precautionary measure, residents have been instructed to seek refuge in air raid shelters. Fortunately, there have been no reports of casualties resulting from the air attack so far, as stated by news agency Reuters. In a separate incident in Odesa, a coastal region approximately 275 miles away from Kyiv, at least two missile attacks took place. Three individuals were injured, and a 96-year-old woman was hospitalized. However, she is currently in stable condition. Earlier this week, Ukrainian officials announced that a Russian missile struck a civilian ship entering Odesa, resulting in the death of a 43-year-old harbour pilot and injuries to three Filipino crew members and a port worker. During a G7 meeting in Japan, foreign ministers from several countries, along with EU representatives, acknowledged Russia's preparedness for a prolonged war in Ukraine. They also emphasized their continued economic and military support for Kyiv, affirming that the Israel-Gaza conflict should not divert attention from backing Ukraine. Kyiv is growing increasingly concerned about "Ukraine fatigue" among Western nations, fearing it may weaken their ability to resist Russian aggression. French President Emmanuel Macron, speaking exclusively to the BBC, expressed his country's sense of duty to aid Ukraine. He warned that if Russia were allowed to triumph in its war, it would become a new imperial power that could pose a threat not only to Ukraine but also to other former Soviet states such as Georgia and Kazakhstan, as well as the entire continent. Mr Macron described Russia's actions in Ukraine as imperialism and colonialism. However, he also mentioned the possibility of fair negotiations with Moscow in the future.