September, Friday 20, 2024

The Impact of Russia's War on Childhood in Ukraine: Examining the Transformations


The war in Russia has had a significant impact on the city of Kharkiv, especially on the lives of children. Missile attacks from across the Russian border pose a constant threat, with little time for people to find shelter. As a result, schools and kindergartens have been closed for nearly two years, leaving playgrounds empty. In response, the city has begun offering classes underground in specially built classrooms located at five metro stations. These classes provide a safe space for children to continue their education and interact with others. The underground schools also offer support from psychologists for children who have experienced trauma due to the war. Despite the difficult circumstances, the staff at these schools do their best to create a sense of normalcy and ensure the well-being of the children. To further protect the children, the city is constructing an entire new school underground in an area that has been heavily damaged by missile strikes. The mayor of Kharkiv acknowledges that moving education underground is a forced safety measure, but believes that children have the right to continue their studies. Despite the resilience and defiance of the people of Kharkiv, the war continues to bring moments of tragedy, such as recent missile strikes that killed eleven people. Nevertheless, the people of Kharkiv remain determined to carry on in the face of adversity and hope for a peaceful future.