September, Friday 20, 2024

The Resilience of Avdiivka Civilians During the Ongoing Russian Attack


Hanna is trapped in her town as Russian missiles continue to destroy it. Despite wanting to escape, her elderly mother refuses to leave as she prefers to sleep in her own bed and has difficulty getting necessities like water and wood if she is alone. They are among the few remaining residents in Avdiivka, a town in eastern Ukraine that has been heavily contested since 2014. The population has dramatically decreased from over 30,000 to just over 1,000 due to the ongoing conflict. The situation worsened this month when Russia launched a major offensive on the town, intensifying the fighting. Hanna describes the town as full of broken windows and doors, with constant attacks making it difficult to repair them. Avdiivka is considered strategically important because it lies on the front line and is close to the occupied city of Donetsk. In order to prevent Ukrainian forces from regaining control, taking Avdiivka would push the front line back. Hanna explains that venturing out to the last remaining shop in town is dangerous due to the lack of safety measures in case of an attack. In fact, that shop has already been destroyed. The residents now heavily rely on government-built facilities known as Points of Invincibility, which provide essentials like food, warmth, and power. Some have even made these facilities their homes. Maryna, a nurse in her 40s, moved into one after her house was damaged in an attack. However, even in the relative safety of the basement, she struggles to sleep due to the continuous missile attacks. Maryna's son has already fled Avdiivka, and she hopes to follow soon. Evacuating people from the town is challenging and risky, but a special police unit called the White Angels leads the efforts. However, convincing people to leave is sometimes difficult. Hennadiy Yudin, a member of the crew, says they managed to bring 50 people to safety in the past week, but the overall situation in the area has deteriorated significantly. Avdiivka used to be a beautiful place with parks, boulevards, shops, and cultural centers, with numerous festivals and celebrations. Maryna hopes to return one day, but fears there will be nothing left of her hometown.