September, Friday 20, 2024

Uber modifies Super Bowl ad following public criticism


Uber Eats has made changes to its Super Bowl advertisement following criticism for making light of food allergies. The charity Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) thanked the food delivery firm for agreeing to remove parts of the ad that showed a man experiencing an allergic reaction to peanut butter. Although Uber did not release a statement, it shared the edited version of the advertisement. The Super Bowl is a major marketing event, with millions of Americans tuning in for the football championship and its expensive commercials. Uber had started promoting the video earlier in the week. The one-minute ad features various forgetful moments, with the tagline "Don't forget to remember Uber Eats." Originally, it included a scene where a man eats peanut butter without realizing it contains peanuts. FARE and other allergy groups expressed concern, stating that food allergies should not be jokingly portrayed, calling the juxtaposition inappropriate. On Friday, FARE's CEO mentioned speaking to Uber, who promised to remove the reference to peanut allergies. She thanked the company for listening and acknowledged the community's voices in changing the perception of life-threatening food allergies. Uber's quick response was praised online, although the episode of last-minute fixes may be an embarrassing incident for the company.