September, Friday 20, 2024

Trump strives for ‘exoneration’ regarding alleged bribery mentioned in Russia dossier


Donald Trump is pursuing legal action in British courts concerning the controversial dossier created by Christopher Steele, which alleged that Trump participated in sex parties and bribed officials in Russia. Trump's lawyers argue that the document violates UK data protection laws. The dossier was commissioned in 2016 by a US political consultancy to investigate potential Russian interference in the presidential election. The report, later published by Buzzfeed News, claimed unverified intelligence that Trump had compromising ties to the Kremlin. The High Court was informed that the dossier contained false allegations about Trump's personal conduct, such as engaging in perverted sexual behavior and paying bribes to Russian officials. Trump seeks vindication for these claims due to their violation of data protection laws. Orbis Business Intelligence, the company behind the dossier, denies making it public and asserts that it destroyed its own copies of the research.