September, Friday 20, 2024

Jim Jordan, supported by Trump, selected as nominee for Speaker


Conservative figure Jim Jordan, with the support of former President Donald Trump, has been chosen as the Republican nominee for Speaker of the House. However, he still faces opposition from fellow Republican Austin Scott. In a secret ballot held on Friday, Jordan won 124 votes from party members, but his position is not yet secure due to significant opposition within the party. Supporters of Steve Scalise, who was initially nominated for Speaker before withdrawing, have pledged to oppose Jordan. The House has now gone 10 days without a Speaker. Jordan, who had previously lost a bid for Speaker nomination to Scalise, expressed confidence ahead of the vote, but his path faces challenges. In order to win, Jordan needs the votes of 217 out of the 221 Republican members, allowing for only five votes against him. While it is unclear how many Republicans would vote against him, some have publicly expressed doubt about his ability to lead effectively. The timing of the Speaker vote heading to the House floor remains uncertain, as some lawmakers believe Jordan may need time to sway those who do not plan to vote for him. Additionally, the Republican conference is experiencing attendance issues, with only 209 out of 221 members currently in Washington DC. Without a Speaker, the House is unable to pass bills, approve emergency aid requests, or pass short-term spending bills.