September, Friday 20, 2024

Blue devils bring excitement and energy to Trinidad and Tobago Carnival


The remote village of Paramin, located in the north-western part of Trinidad, is known for its traditional Carnival character, the blue devil. While the rest of Trinidad and Tobago celebrates Carnival with street parades and masquerade groups, Paramin is the only place where blue devils can be found on Carnival Monday. However, there has been a decline in the number of traditional characters participating in the festivities, which has raised concerns among Carnival organizers. Curdell Gibbs, a local man, believes that more exposure and involvement from young people is necessary to preserve the traditional elements of Carnival. The blue devils, known for their blue-painted bodies and mischievous behavior, are an iconic part of the celebrations and are recognized for their fire-breathing abilities. Cultural activists like Leonardo Joseph and Curdell are working to pass on their love and knowledge of the blue devil tradition to the next generation through workshops and preservation efforts.