September, Friday 20, 2024

Australian billionaire Tim Gurner suggests layoffs as a solution to address problematic worker mindsets


One of Australia's wealthiest individuals, Tim Gurner, has sparked a global outcry by suggesting that unemployment should double in order to put arrogant workers in their place. Gurner, a former gym owner turned real estate mogul, has previously claimed that young people cannot afford homes because they spend too much money on avocado toast. A video of his recent comments has gone viral, amassing over 23 million views and attracting strong criticism online. Speaking at a property summit, the 41-year-old claimed that the Covid-19 pandemic has negatively impacted employees' attitudes and work ethics, specifically singling out builders as an example. Gurner argues that this shift in mindset is contributing to a decline in productivity within the sector, coupled with stricter regulations, exacerbating Australia's housing shortage. To address this issue, Gurner proposed a 40-50% increase in the country's current unemployment rate of 3.7%, resulting in over 200,000 job losses. He stated, "There's been a systematic change where employees feel the employer is extremely lucky to have them. We need to remind people they work for the employer, not the other way around." These statements come at a time when many companies are grappling with issues such as remote work and fair compensation, leading to a broader conversation about changing employment attitudes. Social media has witnessed the emergence of hashtags like "quiet quitting," symbolizing the decision to no longer go above and beyond for employers, and "lazy-girl jobs," referring to well-paid, flexible positions that offer a better work-life balance. Gurner's comments, originally shared by the Australian Financial Review (AFR) during the summit, have faced significant backlash on various social media platforms, including X (formerly Twitter), TikTok, and LinkedIn. Australian MPs from different political parties have also condemned his remarks. Labor MP Jerome Laxale described them as "comments you'd associate with a cartoon supervillain," while Liberal MP Keith Wolahan criticized Gurner for being out of touch. Wolahan emphasized that the loss of a job is not merely a statistic; it often leads to people becoming homeless and reliant on food banks. US lawmaker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined in the criticism, highlighting the excessive disparity between CEO and worker pay. While Gurner's comments have received widespread criticism, some individuals, such as Minerals Council of Australia chairman Andrew Michelmore, have come to his defense. Michelmore argued that employees have become accustomed to earning the same amount of money without putting in the same amount of effort. Tim Gurner, as the CEO and founder of Gurner Group, possesses an estimated net worth of A$929 million ($598 million). He has previously acknowledged the support he received from his grandfather and former boss, who helped him establish himself as a business owner.