September, Friday 20, 2024

Hong Kong Court Sentences Three Activists to Six Years in Prison for Plotting 'Terrorist' Bomb Attack


Three activists from Hong Kong have been sentenced to jail terms ranging from 30 months to six years after their involvement in a failed plot to bomb public buildings. The individuals, who were part of the pro-independence group "Returning Valiant," formulated the plan following the pro-democracy protests that took place in 2021. However, they were apprehended in July of the same year before they could carry out their intentions. According to the court, the trio, namely Ho Yu-wang, Kwok Man-hei, and Cheung Ho-yeung, intended to create bombs using the explosive TATP and place them in various public structures such as government offices, police quarters, court buildings, and railways. Although they planned to execute their scheme between April and July 2021, they were arrested beforehand, and none of the explosive devices were manufactured. Prosecutors revealed that Ho, who was 17 at the time of his arrest, played a central role in producing the explosives. He pleaded guilty to the terrorism charge and was handed a six-year prison sentence. The court identified him as the leader of the group. Cheng, 23, also received a six-year jail term, while Kwok, 21, was sentenced to 30 months in prison after both individuals pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of "conspiracy to cause explosions." In a report by Reuters, High Court Judge Alex Lee acknowledged that the "hostile social atmosphere" arising from Hong Kong's prolonged pro-democracy protests could easily cloud an individual's moral judgment and potentially radicalize people with previously good characters. Earlier in May, four other individuals involved in the plot had already been sentenced. Hong Kong's national security law, implemented in 2020, grants Chinese authorities extensive powers over political and civic activities in the city. While some foreign entities have criticized the law as a means to suppress dissent, Beijing argues that it is necessary to quell unrest. To date, nearly 300 individuals have been arrested under this controversial legislation.