September, Thursday 19, 2024

Ukrainians Celebrate Christmas in their Homeland


Last year, many Ukrainians who had been forced to flee due to Russia's invasion were unable to come home for Christmas. However, this year some are making the difficult decision to return to Ukraine, despite the ongoing danger in the capital city of Kyiv. Valeria Shashenok, a 22-year-old refugee, spent last Christmas in London with her "British family". However, she felt physically and mentally exhausted being away from her real relatives and struggled to find a job in the UK. Valeria decided that her career and life belonged in Ukraine and made the journey back home, which took about a day with no direct flights available. Despite the challenges, she feels it is worth it to be with her parents and says she feels more at home and mentally healthier even during the war. Marta Vasyuta, another 22-year-old who ended up in the UK just days before the invasion, also decided to return to Ukraine. She found it difficult to adjust to a new society without any family or friends. Although she eventually settled down and got a job and a place at university, she missed her loved ones and decided to come back home. Marta is looking forward to reconnecting with her friends and family, celebrating Christmas together, and visiting the city she was studying in. Both Valeria and Marta are active on TikTok, where they share information about the conflict. They are hopeful for a better 2024 and Marta expresses her biggest wish for the war to end.