September, Friday 20, 2024

Thais Affected by the Ongoing Conflict between Israel and Gaza


Weerapon "Golf" Lapchan, along with thousands of other Thai workers, is returning home after narrowly surviving the Hamas attack on Israel. Golf and his co-workers were not overly concerned when they saw rockets being fired and intercepted by Israel's defense system. However, when they heard gunfire and saw the attackers throw grenades and set rooms on fire, they realized the seriousness of the situation. Golf and 11 others made a run for it and managed to escape. Golf, who had been working in Israel for nearly a year, has decided that he will not return, no matter what he is offered. At least 19 Thai workers are believed to have been abducted by Hamas, and many more are still missing. Another Thai worker, Narissara Chanthasang, has not heard from her husband since the attack. He had called her to inform her about the shooting and his escape. The region from which these Thai workers come is one of the poorest in the country, where well-paid jobs are scarce. Going to Israel has provided an opportunity for better wages and a higher social status. However, this arrangement has not been without controversy, as there have been concerns about overwork and unsafe conditions for the Thai workers. Many workers have had to borrow money to go to Israel and are now returning jobless and in debt. The Thai government has promised to reimburse the cost of their flights, but the debts incurred from borrowing against land and property still remain. Some workers are considering returning to Israel once the fighting stops because they were able to earn significantly more there than in Thailand and hope to build a better future for themselves.