September, Friday 20, 2024

Tanzanian Quest: In Search of Grandfathers' Skulls in Germany


Isaria Anael Meli has spent over six decades searching for his grandfather's remains. He believes that his grandfather's skull is located in a Berlin museum, as his grandfather, Mangi Meli, along with 18 other chiefs and advisers, were hanged by a German colonial force 123 years ago. Recently, two of the skulls belonging to those killed have been identified among a museum collection through the use of DNA research. Germany is now prepared to apologize for the executions in what is now northern Tanzania. Descendants of the victims, including Meli, have been urging German and Tanzanian authorities to locate and return the remains. The skulls hold deep cultural and spiritual significance for the Chagga people and it is believed that leaving them in Germany is tormenting the families and spirits. The process of identifying the remains has been a painstaking one, involving DNA analysis and comparison with the DNA of descendants. The discovery of some of the skulls brings hope to the families, but the search continues for Mangi Meli's remains. Germany acknowledges its historical responsibility and is committed to addressing the injustices committed during its colonial past. Talks are in progress between the German and Tanzanian authorities to facilitate the movement and repatriation of the skulls.