September, Friday 20, 2024

Welsh teenager Fflyn Edwards shares his experience portraying Prince Harry in The Crown


A 14-year-old boy named Fflyn Edwards is facing the unique challenge of navigating high school while being in the spotlight as he plays a young Prince Harry in the final series of Netflix's The Crown. Fflyn, from Carmarthenshire, Wales, shared that being away from home, mastering a Windsor-family accent, and living with his Harry wig have all been difficult, but the biggest challenge has been the attention he's received. He humbly mentioned that his grandmother gives him enough attention and he doesn't want to develop a big ego. The upcoming season of The Crown, which will be released on November 16th, recreates some of the most iconic royal scenes, including the death and funeral of Princess Diana. Fflyn admitted that he hadn't watched the show before being cast, and getting the role felt like a long shot. In fact, his casting almost didn't happen due to a day at the beach. While playing with his friends, his mother approached him and covered him in suntan lotion, announcing that he had been offered the role but couldn't accept it if he had a tan. Fflyn humorously mentioned that his mother had to keep applying more lotion to maintain his untanned appearance. To prepare for his role, Fflyn watched numerous YouTube videos of interviews with Prince Harry to perfect his accent and shed his Welsh one. Wearing the wig that gave him Harry's signature red hair proved to be a challenge, especially while filming in Spain. The process took about an hour and a half each morning, and Fflyn couldn't scratch his head for fear of messing up the wig. Additionally, speaking English all day was challenging for Fflyn, whose first language is Welsh. He found solace in meeting other Welsh actors on set and conversing with them in their native language. Fflyn expressed his astonishment at the scale of the production, as he had never worked on such a large project before. Every day brought new adventures and surprises as the cast traveled to different locations for filming. The sets for The Crown are known for their detail and authenticity, and Fflyn was fascinated by the craftsmanship and the outfits of the characters. While Fflyn doesn't see many similarities between himself and Prince Harry, he admired the cheeky and funny side of the prince when he was younger. However, he understands the pressure that comes with living life in the public eye and respects the responsibility that Harry and others have to set a good example. Despite not knowing much about the prince's history prior to the role, Fflyn trusted himself to do justice to Harry's scenes. Looking ahead, Fflyn is uncertain about his future but intends to pursue geography studies. He appreciates the effort that goes into making The Crown and acknowledges its historical value. Although he might start watching the show himself, for now, he plans to stick to watching rugby. In conclusion, Fflyn Edwards, a 14-year-old from Carmarthenshire, Wales, is successfully juggling high school while playing a young Prince Harry on the final season of The Crown. Despite the challenges of being away from home, mastering an accent, and wearing a wig, Fflyn humbly navigates the attention he receives. He thoroughly enjoyed his time on set and trusts himself to portray Harry authentically. While unsure about his future, Fflyn plans to take things one step at a time and pursue his interest in geography.