September, Thursday 19, 2024

Tetley Keeps a Close Eye on Tea Supplies Everyday


Tetley Tea, one of the most popular tea brands in the UK, has expressed concerns about the tight supplies of tea due to disruptions in the Red Sea. Sainsbury's supermarket has already warned customers about the availability of black tea. However, Tetley hopes to meet normal demand despite the challenges. The company, owned by Tata Consumer Products, has implemented measures to address supply chain issues. While other supermarket chains have not reported any problems, consumers may experience temporary disruptions. The United Kingdom Tea & Infusions Association assures that there are sufficient stocks of tea and shoppers should not be worried. The import of tea has been hampered by attacks on western shipping in the Red Sea by Houthi rebels in Yemen. As a result, shipping companies are taking alternative routes, such as via South Africa, which adds time and costs to the journeys.