September, Friday 20, 2024

Massive Turnout in Pro-Palestinian Demonstrations Fills Streets of UK


Tens of thousands of protesters have gathered across the UK to demand an end to Israeli attacks in Gaza. The Metropolitan Police estimate that there were 30,000 people in central London alone. Videos shared on social media show protesters in cities such as Sheffield, Manchester, and Glasgow waving Palestinian flags and calling for a ceasefire. In London, three individuals were arrested, one for displaying a placard that could incite hatred, another for assaulting a police officer, and the third under the Terrorism Act for expressing support for a proscribed organization. Protests in support of Palestine have been taking place in London and other cities globally every Saturday since the conflict started last month. This weekend, local protests were organized in neighborhoods across the UK instead of a large gathering. However, thousands still gathered in Trafalgar Square in London and in Manchester for rallies. There have also been pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Belfast, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Liverpool, and Leeds, all calling for an immediate ceasefire. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated that there will be no temporary ceasefire until all Israeli hostages are released. Concerns have been raised about plans for a mass rally on Armistice Day, which some argue could desecrate war memorials such as the Cenotaph in central London. The Metropolitan Police are preparing for a significant policing and security operation for the event. Demonstrators and the organizers of the march have stated that they have no intention of going near the Cenotaph. The director of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign emphasized that all of their protests have been peaceful and respectful. It is important to note that the information provided in this article is based on reports and estimates from various sources.