September, Thursday 19, 2024

Israel Conducts Airstrikes on Homs Region, According to Syria


The Syrian army has accused Israel of conducting strikes in Homs province, resulting in casualties. According to Syrian state media, Syrian air defenses successfully intercepted Israeli missiles. The attacks reportedly targeted Shuyrat air base and other locations near the city of Homs. Recent Israeli attacks on Iranian-backed militia targets have intensified since the outbreak of the Gaza war in October. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights claims that four individuals were killed in the airstrikes. While Syrian state television showed ambulances rushing to the scene, the exact location remains unverified. The Syrian Observatory has stated that two civilians were among the deceased. Israel has a history of carrying out military operations in Syria against targets it claims are linked to Iran, but it seldom comments on specific strikes. Iranian forces have been present in Syria since the early stages of the civil war, providing support to President Bashar al-Assad's government in its fight against the rebellion. Last week, the United States conducted airstrikes on Iran-linked targets in Syria and Iraq in response to the killing of three U.S. service personnel in Jordan on January 28.