September, Friday 20, 2024

Sudan's Army Chief Burhan Asserts Preparedness for Peace Negotiations in Conflict


The head of Sudan's army, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, has expressed his willingness to hold talks with rebel forces' commander, Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, in order to gain control of the country. The two leaders have been engaged in a brutal internal war since April, resulting in the deaths of over 5,000 people and the displacement of more than five million. General Burhan, who took power in a coup in 2021, is seeking international support and legitimacy for his leadership. Despite allegations from the UN and charities that his forces are targeting civilians with indiscriminate air strikes, General Burhan denies these claims. He admits to relocating his headquarters to Port Sudan due to the ongoing fighting in the capital, Khartoum. While both generals have previously discussed ceasefires, the conflict continues. General Burhan reassures that Sudan will not become a failed or divided state and expresses confidence in defeating the rebel forces. However, the UN has stated that neither side is close to a decisive military victory. The general denies deliberately targeting civilians and blames rebel forces for fabricating stories. The war in Sudan has exacerbated tribal conflicts, particularly in Darfur, where the RSF and its militias have been accused of heinous crimes such as mass killings, rape, and torture.