September, Friday 20, 2024

Darfur Conflict: Rapid Support Forces Seize Control of Nyala in Sudan


According to sources, the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), a paramilitary group, has taken control of Nyala, Sudan's second largest city, from the army after sustained fighting. Residents in Nyala are reportedly celebrating this development as they hope it will bring an end to the violence that has plagued the city. The ongoing conflict has resulted in over 670,000 people being displaced from their homes. Moreover, the city's hospitals have been destroyed, and there are reports of bodies lining the streets. This recent victory for the RSF comes at a time when the two opposing sides were preparing to resume peace talks in Saudi Arabia. Surprisingly, the army has remained silent and has not commented on its defeat in Nyala. Nyala is an important city, serving as the capital of South Darfur state and acting as a strategic connection point between Sudan and the Central African Republic (CAR). The RSF, originating in Darfur, has faced accusations of committing atrocities against non-Arabic groups in the region during the ongoing conflict. In a previous battle, high-ranking army officials, including the military head in Nyala, were killed. The capture of Nyala was led by Abdulrahim Daglo, the RSF's second-in-command, who has been implicated in ethnic cleansing in West Darfur and has been sanctioned by the US. Eyewitnesses in Nyala have reported incidents of RSF fighters looting and ransacking civilian homes since taking control of the city. Additionally, medical organization EMERGENCY revealed that Sudanese staff members from a pediatric center in Nyala were taken and arrested by the RSF. Furthermore, the RSF had previously seized Um-Dafog, a border town near the Central African Republic that is believed to be crucial to their supply chain. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has faced accusations of providing weapons to the RSF through CAR and Chad's Um-Dafog, although it has denied these allegations.