September, Friday 20, 2024

US Efforts to Contain Yemen War at Risk as Strikes Hit Houthi Targets


The war in Gaza has already begun to spread to other parts of the Middle East, causing concerns about regional conflict. While the current situation is still relatively low-level, there is a risk of it escalating further. The recent US and British attacks on the Houthis in Yemen are not just about freedom of navigation and trade, but also directly linked to events in Gaza. This escalation of the crisis could lead to all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah, a Lebanese militia and political movement backed by Iran. The Houthis, part of Iran's network of allies, are not mere proxies but independent fighters who relish conflict with the Americans. They have access to sophisticated weapons from Iran, posing a threat to international navigation. Their attacks on ships in the Red Sea have already caused damage and increased insurance costs for commercial shipping companies. The Houthis have controlled Yemen's capital and parts of the country since 2014, and Saudi Arabia led a coalition to try to overthrow them. The Houthis see their attacks in the Red Sea as a response to the war in Gaza and Israeli restrictions on supplies. Critics argue that a ceasefire in Gaza would be a better solution to stop Houthi attacks. The recent US and UK attacks on the Houthis may not deter them but rather prolong or escalate the situation, as past bombardments by Saudi Arabia did not significantly impact their capacity. Iran's support has enhanced the Houthis' weaponry and made them a greater threat. The Houthis, with support across the region, aim to show they are not intimidated by the West. Further retaliation from the US and its allies is expected if the Houthis continue to defy their demands.