September, Friday 20, 2024

Verified video reveals details of strike on civilian convoy escaping Gaza


Warning: This article includes distressing details. Reports emerged on Friday evening of an airstrike on a convoy of vehicles in southern Gaza. These vehicles were carrying civilians who were trying to escape northern Gaza after the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) issued an evacuation order. Shortly after, videos documenting the gruesome scene surfaced. BBC Verify has confirmed that the strike occurred on Salah-al-Din street, which is one of the two evacuation routes from northern Gaza to the south. One of the verified videos, deemed too graphic to be shown, reveals a tragic scene of chaos and devastation. Men are seen running towards a truck, uttering prayers and lamentations amidst the smoky air. As the camera approaches the truck, the extent of the wreckage becomes apparent, with bodies scattered everywhere, twisted and mangled. The video also captures the lifeless body of a young boy lying on the truck, his head twisted unnaturally towards the camera. Among the wreckage, at least 12 dead bodies, mostly women and children, were found, some as young as two to five years old. Additionally, other footage shows victims' bodies on the street, while vehicles burn, potentially with occupants still inside. Social media has since been flooded with multiple videos showcasing the immediate aftermath of the strike. According to local media, the attack occurred on Salah al-Din road, a major highway that traverses Gaza from north to south and serves as one of the only two evacuation routes for civilians from the north. The road was heavily congested on Friday as Gazans adhered to Israeli warnings to evacuate the area. BBC Verify undertook an investigation, starting with confirming the authenticity of the initial video depicting the devastating aftermath of the attack. By carefully examining the details present in the footage, such as buildings, road markings, and signs, they were able to ascertain the location. Using satellite imagery freely available online, they identified a stretch of the road a few kilometers from the southern outskirts of Gaza City. To ensure the footage was recent and not from a previous incident reposted on social media, a reverse-image search was conducted on certain keyframes. Moreover, by using online tools that analyze the angle of sunlight and length of shadows, BBC Verify determined that the footage was filmed at 17:30 local time on October 13. Once the key details were established, BBC Verify identified common features in other videos purporting to show the incident. Among them was a video filmed approximately 100 meters away from the burning vehicles but not capturing the truck that bore the brunt of the strike. Another video, circulating on social media, documented a convoy fleeing northern Gaza in close proximity to the location where the aftermath of the strike was filmed. However, it remains uncertain whether this specific truck was the one hit in the original footage. By analyzing the angle of shadows in the video, it was deduced that it was likely filmed between 15:30 and 17:20 local time on Saturday. The dimensions and road partitioning suggested it was a major road, as a large truck like the one featured would not fit in a residential street. Utilizing satellite imagery and examining nearby buildings and trees, along with analyzing the shadows cast by residential buildings, the exact location of the vehicle seen in the video was determined. It was established that this video was filmed northeast of the attack, where the convoy might have been in the hours leading up to the strike. The Palestinian Health Ministry has reported that 70 people were killed in the attack and has placed blame on Israel. The IDF states that it is investigating the incident, asserting that their adversaries are attempting to hinder the evacuation of civilians from the north. BBC Verify will continue to monitor the situation and provide further updates. Additional reporting by Rollo Collins.