September, Thursday 19, 2024

Tuscan Flooding Claims Three Lives as Storm Ciarán Wreaks Havoc


Severe flooding caused by heavy winds and rain has struck large parts of Tuscany, resulting in three deaths and six people missing. The River Arno is expected to overflow its banks later today and cars have already been swept away by the rising water levels. The storms from Storm Ciarán have caused over 10 fatalities in Western Europe. Strong winds of up to 207km/h were recorded in France, as the storm also affected southern England, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, and Portugal. In Belgium, two deaths, including that of a five-year-old child, were caused by falling trees. Power lines were disrupted, leading to evacuations in Jersey. Regional governor Eugenio Giani declared a state of emergency in Tuscany as winds reached 140km/h. The towns of Livorno, Prato, and Montemurlo were particularly affected, with Montemurlo experiencing 200mm of rainfall since Thursday. The Bisenzio river overflowed, resulting in the death of an 85-year-old man who was unable to reach safety. Local authorities have urged residents to move to higher floors. The mayor of Prato described the flooding as a devastating event, with whole areas submerged and the ground floor of the Santo Stefano hospital partially flooded.