September, Friday 20, 2024

Guardian Newspaper Fires Steve Bell Following Controversial Netanyahu Cartoon, Citing Antisemitism Concerns


Renowned cartoonist Steve Bell has been dismissed by The Guardian after a dispute over a cartoon he created of Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu. The cartoon depicted Netanyahu performing surgery on his own stomach, with a cut in the shape of the Gaza Strip. Bell claimed that the cartoon was rejected by the newspaper due to a suggestion that it referenced a line from Shakespeare's play, The Merchant of Venice, involving the character Shylock and a "pound of flesh." Bell, however, explained that the inspiration for the cartoon came from a 1960s cartoon of President Lyndon B Johnson. The Guardian argued that the cartoon contained an antisemitic trope, even though Bell maintained that it had no connection to the play. This incident occurred in the midst of heightened tensions following recent conflict between Hamas and Israel. This is not the first time Bell has faced accusations of employing antisemitic imagery; he has previously been criticized for his depiction of various political figures. The Guardian has apologized for another cartoon deemed as antisemitic earlier this year. Steve Bell's contract will not be renewed by the newspaper.