September, Friday 20, 2024

Composer of Squid Game and Parasite unveils the key behind his award-winning music


The music for popular Korean thriller Squid Game and dark comedy Parasite was composed by the same person. The eerie soundtrack of Squid Game is essential to the show, with simple melodies played over terrifying scenes. In contrast, Parasite features emotional and tense piano pieces that reflect the film's social commentary on class and capitalism. South Korean composer Jung Jae-il is the mastermind behind both scores. He fell in love with film music while working on the Korean film Okja in 2017, which elevated his career. Jung is skilled at switching between different musical genres, which he achieves through repetition and improvisation. He began his musical journey as a child taking piano lessons but found them boring until he started making his own music. Jung has worked on various projects, including performing for the South-North Korea Summit. He will also compose the music for the upcoming second season of Squid Game, promising a unique sound. Jung warns aspiring musicians that the path is challenging and requires persistence and enjoyment of the process. However, he has found immense success in his career.