September, Thursday 19, 2024

Spanish farmers unite with collective force to demonstrate their grievances


Farmers in Spain have joined their European counterparts in staging protests across the country. They are demanding more flexibility from the European Union, stricter controls on non-EU produce, and more support from their government. These protests have resulted in roadblocks and disruptions to motorists in various regions. A large demonstration is planned for central Madrid later this month. Farmers have been driving tractors in convoys, waving Spanish flags, and holding placards in protest. Similar grievances have been expressed by farmers in France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, and other countries. They argue that the EU's Common Agricultural Policy, along with high costs for fuel and energy, makes it challenging for them to profit. Spanish farmers also accuse non-EU countries, particularly Morocco, of not following the same environmental and sanitary regulations, allowing them to sell cheaper products. The drought in Spain has further exacerbated the situation, impacting harvests and causing a state of emergency to be declared in Catalonia. Italian farmers are also protesting against EU regulations and red tape, planning to converge on Rome at the end of the week. They are concerned about the EU's Green Deal and government plans to end tax subsidies for the agricultural sector. EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has withdrawn a plan to reduce pesticide use, stating that it has become a symbol of polarization. Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo has welcomed this decision, emphasizing the importance of supporting farmers in achieving a more sustainable future.