September, Thursday 19, 2024

Spanish Authorities Detain Shamanic Group for Illegally Distributing Psychoactive Substances


Spanish police have apprehended 18 individuals suspected of being part of a shamanic organization that sold hallucinogenic drugs to its members. The suspects are accused of promoting organized rituals involving prohibited psychoactive substances, including ayahuasca, toad venom, mescaline, and poisonous frog secretions. The group operated from "epicenters for inner evolution" in Spain, as well as in ten other European and Latin American countries. The investigation commenced after law enforcement came across online advertisements promoting neo-shamanic rituals that promised improved physical and mental health through the consumption of psychoactive substances. The police eventually discovered a headquarters in the Colombian jungle, where the group allegedly prepared its "ayahuasca concoction." Madrid saw the most arrests, with authorities confiscating over 60kg of ayahuasca, €24,000 ($26,000) in various currencies, and 1kg (35oz) of mescaline. Police footage revealed officers searching a house and finding money, pill bags, and a room filled with beds. The detainees face charges of organizing profit-making rituals using banned psychoactive substances, as well as crimes related to human trafficking, worker's rights violations, and smuggling. Allegedly, a doctor and their partner oversaw the consumption of the hallucinogens, posing as a medical graduate. The group's leader, considered a spiritual figure by his followers, died during a joint investigation with Spain's national tax agency. Posthumously, he has been charged with sexual crimes and promoting illegal immigration. The organization is believed to have been active in countries such as Belgium, Ireland, Mexico, Colombia, and Turkey.