September, Friday 20, 2024

President of South Korea claims the 'Dior bag scandal' was a strategic political move


South Korean President, Yoon Suk Yeol, has labeled the leaked spy camera footage showing the first lady accepting a luxury bag gift as a "political manoeuvre." While he described the incident as "regrettable," he did not apologize for it. The president has faced pressure to address the issue that has created upheaval within his ruling party ahead of crucial elections in April. In the video released by a left-wing YouTube channel, the first lady, Kim Keon Hee, is seen accepting a 3 million won ($2,200) Dior bag from a pastor who had secretly filmed the exchange using a camera concealed in his watch. President Yoon dismissed the timing of the video's release, citing it as a political tactic ahead of the upcoming general elections. President Yoon acknowledged that the real problem was the first lady's inability to reject the gift, though he considered it a minor issue. His response in the matter has disappointed the public and angered the opposing party. Analysts have expressed concern that the scandal could impact the prospects of President Yoon's People Power Party in the legislative elections. The video was released just as his approval ratings were beginning to recover. The opposition Democratic Party criticized President Yoon for failing to offer a sincere apology that meets the public's expectations. They labeled his attitude as shameful, with one party spokesperson suggesting that there was no telling how long the people would endure his refusal to take responsibility and apologize. The lack of apology, particularly for the Dior bag, disappointed citizens and garnered criticism online. News outlets also pointed out that President Yoon did not comment on the appropriateness of Mrs. Kim's actions. The presidential office confirmed that they received the bag and clarified that it is being managed and stored as a government property. Local publications reported that the scandal, along with other controversies involving the first lady, contributed to President Yoon's declining approval ratings. The scandal has not only affected President Yoon's party but has also caused divisions within it, with one party leader comparing the first lady's actions to those of Marie Antoinette. The first lady has been previously accused of involvement in stock price manipulation. It is worth noting that earlier this month, President Yoon vetoed a bill that called for an investigation into his wife's alleged stock manipulation. Additionally, last year, a Seoul expressway project was abandoned due to allegations that it would financially benefit the first lady's family by increasing the value of their land.