September, Friday 20, 2024

Philippines Accuses China Coast Guard of Striking Philippine Ship in the South China Sea


The Philippines has accused China's coast guard of causing a collision with a Filipino supply boat in the South China Sea. The incident occurred as the Filipino vessel was en route to a Philippine outpost in the Second Thomas Shoal, an area where tensions have been escalating recently. Manila claims that Beijing's actions endangered the safety of the Filipino crew due to their dangerous blocking maneuvers. However, China has denied the accusations, stating that the Philippines intentionally stirred up trouble. Both Chinese and Philippine ships have frequently engaged in cat-and-mouse encounters around the shoal, where a small number of Filipino troops stationed on a deteriorating navy ship rely on monthly supplies. The Philippines argues that China has become increasingly aggressive since the election of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr in June 2022, as the country seeks closer military ties with the United States, Beijing's main rival in the region. Another incident occurred near Second Thomas Shoal, involving a Chinese militia vessel colliding with a Philippine coast guard ship. Despite these challenges, a second supply ship managed to reach the Philippine outpost in the shoal according to Manila. China claims almost the entire South China Sea, including the Spratlys where Second Thomas Shoal is situated, which overlaps with claims from other countries such as the Philippines and Vietnam. In 2016, an international arbitration court in The Hague ruled that China's expansive maritime claims were unfounded, following a case brought forward by Manila. However, Beijing has refused to acknowledge this ruling.