September, Friday 20, 2024

Director of Somali Cable Television, Nur, tragically dies in suicide attack


Somali TV journalist Abdifatah Moalim Nur, also known as Qeys, was tragically killed in a suicide bombing at a restaurant in Mogadishu. Qeys was highly respected and described by colleagues as exceptional and inspiring. His death marks the first journalist killing in Somalia this year, according to local media watchdogs. The al-Qaeda-affiliated militant group, al-Shabab, claimed responsibility for the attack at Blue Sky restaurant. Nearby the presidential palace, four others were injured in the incident. The Information Minister, Daud Aweis, condemned the attack as cowardly. The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) expressed deep shock at the senseless and brutal killing of Nur, who was the director of privately owned Somali Cable Television. The union praised Nur's remarkable career and unwavering dedication that left a lasting impact on Somali journalism, inspiring countless young journalists. Nur had previously faced threats due to his advocacy for press freedom. This tragic event follows the deaths of journalist Mohamed Isse Hassan and reporter Ahmed Mohamed Shukur in previous attacks. Al-Shabab has been carrying out deadly assaults in response to a military offensive aimed at eradicating their presence in Somalia. President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who took office in May last year, had promised an all-out war against the group.