September, Friday 20, 2024

Somerset flock protected by a massive seven-stone turkey dog


Farmer George Ford, based in Blagdon, has utilized two Italian sheepdogs, Bear and Holly, to safeguard his flock of 600 free range Christmas turkeys. These Maremma sheepdogs have been trained to ward off bears and wolves and have proven to be an essential asset in protecting the turkeys. Ford mentioned that when Bear was a puppy, he would playfully attempt to pick up a bird, but now he can confidently leave Bear with the turkeys throughout the day and night without any issues. Ford emphasized that without these dogs, he would not be able to raise his turkeys outside. He acquired Bear three years ago specifically for this purpose, as the Maremma breed has a natural instinct to guard livestock. Despite Bear's large size, there have been no incidents of bird fatalities during his early training. The turkeys were delivered to the farm in August and were released outside with the guard dogs once they were fully feathered. Ford expressed how much the turkeys enjoy being outside and engaging in natural behaviors such as pecking at grass and bugs. Previously, the turkeys were confined to a shed at night for protection, but now the dogs serve as their guardians. In addition to Bear, Holly, a rescue dog, has also joined in protecting the flock from April to August. Ford described Holly as less gentle than Bear but equally protective. These dogs are well-adapted to the outdoors and rarely seek shelter, except for shade during the summer. Overall, they have been instrumental in ensuring the safety of the turkeys.