September, Friday 20, 2024

Protesters in Serbia attempt to storm Belgrade City Hall in opposition to the government


Protesters in Serbia have attempted to enter Belgrade City Hall, escalating their demonstrations against the recent elections. The opposition is demanding a re-run of the vote, as they believe the ruling party cheated to secure a majority in parliament. Both domestic and international observers have reported irregularities, including ballot box stuffing and vote buying. President Aleksandar Vucic has dismissed these allegations as lies and rubbish. The election specifically for Belgrade City Council has faced criticism for allegedly busing in non-residents. The opposition coalition Serbia Against Violence (SPN) tried to break into the city hall, but police used pepper spray to deter them. A lawyer present at the protest called on Vucic to transfer power peacefully, claiming that the government was illegitimately seizing power. In response to the unrest, Vucic blamed foreign interference in an emergency address to the nation. The recent elections saw Vucic's Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) win a majority in parliament, frustrating the SPN's attempt to control Belgrade. The opposition has initiated daily protests, and seven figures within it have started a hunger strike. The electoral commission has announced that it will rerun the election in around 30 polling stations out of 8,000 across the country. Germany has criticized the allegations of misconduct, stating that such actions are unacceptable for a country aspiring to join the EU. President Vucic has denied any claims of vote-rigging.