September, Friday 20, 2024

Sarah Snook, star of Succession, emphasizes the limited duration of beauty


Actress Sarah Snook has gained new insights about the fleeting nature of beauty while working on her latest play, The Picture of Dorian Gray. Snook, known for her role in Succession, is taking on the lead role in a one-woman adaptation of Oscar Wilde's famous novel in London's West End. In an interview with BBC Radio 4's Today programme, Snook discussed the dangers of relying too heavily on one's physical appearance, calling it a "slippery slope." She emphasized that defining oneself solely based on beauty is ultimately limited by its expiration date. The Picture of Dorian Gray explores themes such as morality, narcissism, and excess. The story follows a young man who sells his soul in exchange for eternal youth and beauty. As part of the deal, his physical body remains youthful while a portrait of him, representing his soul, ages and deteriorates. Snook explained that the play also delves into the impact of one's beauty on others and the potential abuse of power that can come with it. She questioned what a person with unlimited power gained through youth and beauty is capable of doing to those who seek to possess or control it. The stage adaptation of Wilde's novel, which has previously had a successful run in Australia (with a different actress in the lead role), will open in London's West End in early February for a nearly 12-week run. Snook recently made headlines when she shared an experience from early in her career, where a film producer told her not to eat a piece of chocolate cake. Reflecting on the encounter, Snook asserted her autonomy over her own body and choices, stating that she will eat whatever she wants. She admitted feeling too young and naive at the time to challenge the producer's authority. Snook's portrayal in Succession earned her both an Emmy and a Golden Globe earlier this month. The show concluded its fourth season last year.