September, Friday 20, 2024

San Francisco's Iconic Golden Gate Bridge Finally Installs Suicide Prevention Net After Nearly a Century


Officials have announced the completion of a suicide prevention net at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Since the bridge opened in 1937, approximately 2,000 people have tragically taken their own lives by jumping off the bridge, leading to calls for a solution from families who have lost loved ones. The net, known as the suicide deterrent system, has been installed on around 95% of the 1.7-mile bridge. Its purpose is to reduce the number of deaths associated with suicide attempts and provide hope to those who feel desperate. The net, made of stainless steel, was approved in 2014 but faced delays and opposition due to concerns about its impact on the bridge's view and its cost. Kevin Hines, one of the few people known to have survived a jump from the bridge, has become an advocate for suicide prevention and was among those who pushed for the net's installation. The Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District has reported positive results, stating that the net has already had a positive impact. In 2023, while the net was still being constructed, the number of confirmed suicides decreased by more than half compared to previous years.