September, Thursday 19, 2024

Reports suggest that Russian oil is entering the UK through a refinery loophole


According to research findings, millions of barrels of fuel made from Russian oil are still being imported to the UK, despite sanctions imposed due to the war in Ukraine. This is possible through a "loophole" that allows Russian crude to be refined in countries like India, which can then sell the products to the UK. While this practice is not illegal, critics argue that it undermines the sanctions aimed at restricting Russia's war funds. The UK government denies any imports of Russian oil since 2022, stating that internationally recognized "rules of origin" classify the refined crude as originating from the refining country. Reports suggest that this refining loophole allows products made from Russian crude oil to reach the UK, with most of the imports being jet fuel. These imports indirectly provide the Kremlin with tax revenues and support the war effort. The research papers were based on shipment figures and analysis of oil data. Despite the sanctions, Russia's economic growth forecast has been upgraded, and prices for oil and gas have soared in countries imposing the sanctions as they seek alternative supplies. The UK government insists on strict proof of the non-Russian origin of goods and includes the country of last despatch to prevent oil diversion. Critics are calling for tougher sanctions, including a ban on refined oil products derived from Russian crude. However, the complex nature of the global market and Russia's significance as an oil player make complete eradication of Russian supply unlikely. In the US, lawmakers have also proposed a bill to close the refining loophole.