September, Friday 20, 2024

YouTube stops Russell Brand's channel from earning money through monetization


Russell Brand's YouTube channel has had its monetization suspended by the platform for violating its creator responsibility policy. YouTube stated that this action is being taken to protect its users. The Metropolitan Police has received a report of an alleged sexual assault from 2003 following media allegations against Brand. Brand has recently been accused of rape and sexual assault between 2006 and 2013, which he denies. A YouTube spokesperson explained that they take action when a creator's off-platform behavior harms their users or employees. Brand, who now focuses on spirituality, politics, and UFOs in his videos, has had monetization suspended for all channels he owns or operates. YouTube mentioned other examples of bans, such as those of Slovak internet personality David Dobrik and US YouTuber and make-up artist James Charles. The allegations against Brand were brought forward in a joint investigation by the Sunday Times, the Times, and Channel 4's Dispatches. Brand preemptively denied all claims of misconduct, referring to them as a coordinated attack. One of the accusers, known as Alice, described Brand's behavior as an open secret and said the allegations have been a long time coming. She called his denial laughable and insulting.