September, Friday 20, 2024

The Difficulty of Observing Gaza from a Distant Perspective, According to Rushdi Abualouf


Rushdi Abualouf, a BBC journalist who has been reporting from Gaza for many years, recently had to leave the territory with his family due to safety concerns. He is now in Istanbul, Turkey. In an interview with the BBC's Newshour programme, Abualouf shared his experience of leaving his home and observing Gaza from the outside. Abualouf expressed his sadness at having to leave Gaza in such circumstances. He talked about the memories he has from every corner of his house and neighborhood. While he and his family are now safe, the rest of their extended family remains in Gaza. The journalist admitted that it is more difficult for him to watch Gaza from afar. When he was inside Gaza, he was occupied with various responsibilities and didn't have much time to think about the situation. However, now that he is outside, he has more time for contemplation. Abualouf finds it hard to imagine that he may never see his house, bed, neighbors, or neighborhood again. Since leaving for Istanbul, Abualouf has been in touch with his BBC Arabic colleagues who are still in Gaza. He assured them that he would do everything possible to help them leave. The journalist has been calling them every morning, offering advice and assistance with any problems they face. Abualouf's family had the opportunity to leave Gaza at the beginning of the conflict, but his wife initially didn't grasp the severity of the situation and chose to stay with him. After a few days, they lost the chance to leave due to the closure of the Rafah crossing. The journalist had to deal with the stress of reporting while worrying about his family's safety. After being forced to leave Gaza City, Abualouf and his family stayed with relatives in Khan Younis for a while. However, they received a warning that their relative's house would be bombed, so they had to leave again. They eventually ended up staying in a tent near a hospital, with Abualouf finding a nearby house to be close to his family. Life outside Gaza has been challenging for Abualouf and his family. They live in one small room, food is scarce, and his wife got injured during a visit to the hospital. Despite the difficulties, Abualouf intends to return to Gaza once the situation allows. He believes that as a journalist, he has a responsibility to tell the stories of the people living in Gaza.