September, Thursday 19, 2024

Lawsuit Involving Wales' Henson and Charvis Over Rugby Concussion


Former rugby players Gavin Henson and Colin Charvis are among 295 ex-players who are suing the rugby authorities over brain injuries. The High Court has been informed that an application will be made next year for the cases to be heard collectively. The application by the athletes' lawyers is expected to be heard in April or May. If approved, it would allow all the lawsuits against World Rugby, the Rugby Football Union (RFU), and the Welsh Rugby Union (WRU) to be managed together. Other notable players involved in the case include Ryan Jones, the Grand Slam-winning captain of Wales, and Steve Thompson, England's Rugby World Cup winner. The claimants argue that the governing bodies did not take reasonable measures to protect their health and safety. They allege that this failure resulted in long-term neurological complications such as motor neurone disease, early onset dementia, epilepsy, and Parkinson's disease. World Rugby, the RFU, and WRU have stated that they cannot comment on the case as they have not yet received full details. However, they released a joint statement expressing their support for the players involved and acknowledging their struggles. This rugby union case is one of three similar cases brought by law firm Rylands Garth, which also represents former rugby league and football players.